• A Hero No More
    It's funny, I’ve hidden from folks before but never like this. Never in the back of a preschool janitor's closet in my pajamas - because police...
    Views 6590
  • It Was Bright Orange
    Cassian wasn't really opposed to the activity itself - more the outcome. It wasn't every night he just woke up, rolled onto the ghetto old Hover...
    Views 7175
  • The Guy That Did Things And Stuff Happened
    Why hello there! Come in, come in, have yourself a seat and lend me your ear. I have for you a story, a story that's most intriguing... I can bet...
    Views 6930
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  • Mr. Stupid Goes To Fluffy Duffy Land
    Hello friends, hang your jackets, come sit down by the fire and have a spot of tea. Today's story is quit the blum-bagger! Now, let's see... Mr....
    Views 6849
  • A Wilder Woods
    It was the cold that she noticed first. A cold so deep her lungs alerted her when it felt as though frost was tickling her rib cage. She gasped,...
    Views 7355
  • Greg The Zombie
    Ah yes, welcome friends welcome. I want to thank you all for visiting. This tale, this tale is the tale of a... morbid kind. Now before you go off...
    Views 7027
  • The Adventures Of Super Hero Man
    We begin our journey on Earth in a time of great hardship and turmoil. The U.S. has gone completely broke because Americans have elected a...
    Views 7080
  • Turkey Death Row
    It's happening now at an alarming rate. A lot more are gone. Before it was just a few but now... too many to count. The whether's cold, the days...
    Views 7341