The Guy That Did Things And Stuff Happened

Why hello there! Come in, come in, have yourself a seat and lend me your ear. I have for you a story, a story that's most intriguing... I can bet your last wooden nickle that you've never heard a story quite like this in your life. This tale... This tale is a journey down the most ambiguous road you've ever taken.

The Place at Some Point in Time
Our story takes place a few years from now in a time of great hard ship. Crime levels are at the highest they've ever been in human history, heck just walking outside to get the mail meant risking your life.

The poverty level is at 200%. What's that? You say 200% isn't possible? That 100% is the highest it can go? WRONG! Government had become so intertwined with business that politicians convinced the people that the most patriotic thing they could do is not only work for free but give any money they have to their employers!

Things are bad, real bad. And the people needed someone... anyone to do something. Anything! Something impactful needed to happen by the will of someone willing to do what needed to be done. But who? Who among these shattered broken people would have the courage to take on the issues.

The One willing to Rise Up and Take Action
In a lone crime ridden city was a guy who lived by a tree in the red house, you know... the one next to the house with the street light. This guy had suffered many troubles much worse than others. He lost his most precious possessions, his significant other had cheated on him with someone at the office, this guy had felt the brunt of the hard times that had fallen on the people. His only source of nourishment was a small garden he planted out back and his only companion was his pet that he had gotten at the pet store a few years ago when times were better.

This guy though, this guy was a man of action. Before the economy was in the toilet he was the president of a major corporation that provided goods and services that people all over the world would buy. But after the government required employees to give their employers all their money, the employees could no longer make it to work because they had no means of transportation. The company went belly up and the guy lost his job.

"I can't take this anymore!", said the guy. "I can't keep eating this bland food! I can't keep sitting around here all day just... just thinking about things and not doing stuff! This is driving me crazy! I need my life back!"

In a furry the man stood up and whipped open the door on his house. Standing there determined he walked through the door so that he no longer was inside his home. "What next?", the guy thought to himself. "If things are going to get better then I need to make things happen. Yes! That's it! Making things happen is the only way! The government isn't going to make stuff better! This is up to the people!"

A lot of Talking Goes on, Then Some Things and Wham! Stuff Happens
Now the guy knew getting government to take action would not be easy. Further more he knew that in order for things to change he would need to gather up the support of the people. In the before time when people could afford internet doing this would be easier, but this was no longer an option. Worried that if he didn't act quickly things would never get done and stuff would never change the guy did the only thing he could.

The guy went to the middle of the place he knew everyone would hear his word. He stood up and spoke to the people. He encouraged them, enlightened them and gave them hope. HOPE! He gave them the courage they needed, he made them realize that if they wanted stuff to get better they needed to take action and do some things!

Filled with rage, joy, hope and determination the guy and a bunch of folks traveled the country spreading the word that things needed to happen if stuff was going to get better not just for themselves but all of humanity! This went on for a period of time until enough people were riled up and they felt they were strong enough to take on the government.

They marched to the capital and demanded to be heard. They picketed with signs that said "Stuff Needs to Change" and "Things Must be Done to Make Stuff Better!" Finally, finally, they had their day in court. This... this is the passionate speech the guy gave that fateful day:

Mr. President and other members of our government. Too long... TOO LONG! Things have been rough! People can't afford food, a place to live or other things that they need in order to survive. Basic things! Basic things they need in order to live... (sigh) and I'm sad to say that it's all thanks to you. The legislation you passed made sense at the time, but STUFF got so bad because of it you all got scared and stopped doing things that would make stuff better! You all have betrayed us and I'm here to tell you it's time to stop these shenanigans and start doing THINGS! THINGS! THINGS SO THAT STUFF CAN GET BETTER! SO THAT TOMORROW... tomorrow can be a brighter day. I challenge you all to get up and make stuff happen.

After the speech the guy walked away somberly with the hope that the things he had said would convince those with power to  make stuff happen, no longer sitting around without taking any action.

A period of time had passed and various laws were set that formed the foundation that would eventually lead to laws that lead to things that made stuff happen. Things were getting better, no longer were times tough. The hard times that brought such travesty to the battered peoples was ending and stuff was getting better.

Everyone wanted to thank the guy who had helped them. They wanted to thank him for doing the things that lead to the foundational laws that lead to the other laws that lead to more things that made stuff happen... but he was nowhere to be found.

Some say the guy traveled the globe doing things to make stuff better in other places other than the country he lived in... others say that after his speech he changed his name and started a company that sold items to people in exchange for monetary value. But everyone would remember him as the guy that did things that made stuff happen.

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