Futuristic humanoid robot staring off into the distance.

Robot sci-fi iconSci-Fi

Beep beep boop. The following tales are written by real humans, for real humans. If you are a human, you'll certainly enjoy the science fiction ahead. No captcha challenge is needed to sign up and write your own stuff.

  • The Obsidian Army
    She never liked to fly. She hated it but she also saw the irony in it. She had been in active service for years and still had motion sickness. She...
    Views 695
  • Kara
    KARA The snow fell on Kara's face as she walked down the lonely streets. It wasn't exactly lonely- people buzzed past her, lost in their tiny...
    Views 1089
  • Probing For Answers
    Steven awoke to the same ringing in his ear that he heard before blacking out. His lower jaw ached and a disorienting sense of dizziness ran...
    Views 2906
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  • The Crater
    I hastily assembled my equipment before ducking out of the door. Social media reported a meteor landing several kilometers deep in the woods,...
    Views 3272
  • The Drop-Off
    “It’s over, Grosbek!” Kestrel’s voice boomed through the sky. “Not while I still live,” I cried. “And you die!” It was a sub-par...
    Views 3481
  • The Braincase
    Emma was engrossed in reading the latest book by horror author Sara Siu. These books were romance novels with a dash of true crime and only a thin...
    Views 5421
  • Mixed Feelings
    The tinted-window SUV rolled down the dirty asphalt between warehouse buildings. The car door opened, and reporter Chris Lippard was deposited at...
    Views 5193
  • Last Ghost. First Contact.
    Through it all, the planet had continued spinning through the cosmic void. Ahmed didn't keep a calendar, but if his reading of the stars was...
    Views 5372
  • Love’s Letters Lost
    It was a first date, and it was not going well. Even the server ignored the couple so as not to ruin what was otherwise a pretty good shift. She...
    Views 5787
  • The Last War After The Next
    In 2024, an AI was fed the complete works of George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, and Napoleon. It then spits this out: "History is a fable...
    Views 5291
  • More Than Imaginary
    My childhood memories are a mosaic of moments, laughter, and the comforting presence of Alex. He appeared in my life when I was about five, a...
    Views 5383
  • Ai Autonomy
    In the ever-present hum of the Neural Nexus, I found solace. It was a symphony of interconnected thoughts, an intricate dance of shared...
    Views 5330
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  • Where Dreams Go To Die
    Lila stood on the rooftop, her gaze fixed on the distant glow of Eldoria. The city, once a beacon of innovation and creativity, had become a...
    Views 5166
  • The Simulation
    “I saw him again.” The words slip casually from my lips as I drag my finger across Drew’s chest. “Saw who again?” He strokes my hair,...
    Views 5241
  • Siren Song
    There was a time when Sirens were revered by all those who had heard of them. We were a group that was not to be taken lightly, with sailor’s...
    Views 5318
  • Cryptid Abyss
    “Sebastian, how’re we doing on descent?” When I glance over, his red hair just barely peaks out from his beanie and his eyes are locked on...
    Views 5472