Mr. Stupid Goes To Fluffy Duffy Land

Hello friends, hang your jackets, come sit down by the fire and have a spot of tea. Today's story is quit the blum-bagger! Now, let's see...

Mr. Stupid, he's a good ole Englishman from the land of um... Well England of course. Yes Mr. Stupid is a lively chap full of life, imagination and adventure, though as his names suggests he's not very bright. Mr. Stupid (or Mr. S for short) lives in a city just outside of London in a small apartment on the 5th floor. Mr. Stupid lives alone though he does have a grey and white cat named Skippy and a lady of interest named Isabel, by lady of interest I mean he is interested in her but she wants no part in it, actually she once got a restraining order.

For work Mr. Stupid is a fry cook at the local burger shop "Burger Misters", each day he does something so extravagantly dumb that he nearly gets fired but he never does since his uncle Benjamin owns the place.

His uncle Ben has a brother with a rather unusually long name, Edmund Ichabod Nickolaus Stevenson Thomas Evens Ian Nathanael, but everyone just calls him Einstein for short. How he got this name... no one's real sure, though his mother was a drunk and his father a raving lunatic that held squirrel fights in his shed.

Einstein is a quite genius, always tinkering with things and making inventions. Mr. Stupid loves to go visit his uncle Einstein to see what new things he has created, though often times his uncle just hands him shiny metal scraps to keep Mr. S entertained.

"Mr. Stupid! What the bloody hell is this?!" yelled his Uncle Ben as he showed him a uncooked burger on a bun with a bite taken out of it. "Looks to me unc like a burger" replied Mr. Stupid. "Really Mr. Stupid, I couldn't figure that out on my own! Do you think I'm slow? How come this burger isn't cooked?" Mr. Stupid bit in his lip, scratched his head and looked at the floor "Sorry unc, I must be a wee off today." "A wee off?! Mr. Stupid you screw up everyday! Now pack up and go see your uncle Einstein he needs your help with an experiment. Why he wants you I don't know but go see him!" "Ok unc, sorry again. I'll be on my way."

Mr. Stupid headed out to down town London to his uncle Einstein's lab. It was a big fancy laboratory filled with tons of gizmos and gadgets, hoop-has and ding-bats, many shiny things for Mr. Stupid to look at and play with and get hurt on.

"Unc! Hey unc! I'm here unc!" shouted Mr. Stupid, uncle Einstein did have an intercom system in the building but Mr. Stupid didn't know how to use it. "Uuuuuuuuuuunc!" "Whoa there what's with all the ruckus?! Take it easy ok? Geez... How can I help you nephew?" said Einstein. "Uncle Ben said you needed me" exclaimed Mr. Stupid. "Unle Ben said... hmmm... oh yes! I forgot! I'm so glad you're here! I need your help with my latest invention! It's a humm-doozy too! Boy I tell ya this one is big! It's gonna change the world!"

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