Old map, camera, and photos showing world travel.

Treasure map adventure iconAdventure

Doesn’t real life get boring sometimes? Want thrill or adventure like you see on TV? You might not want to be chased by a bear in real life, but you can imagine it through a story.

  • Barbarian's End
    Brumlock the Vengeful woke with a cry in the night. Animated by his dark desire, he crawled out of his slumber and into the night. He gripped his...
    Views 1977
  • Dead Cell
    Hunting the dead is a pain in the ass when you’ve skipped leg day.  We got the call at 0400 hours. Another outbreak, this time in Pennsylvania....
    Views 3199
  • The Drop-Off
    “It’s over, Grosbek!” Kestrel’s voice boomed through the sky. “Not while I still live,” I cried. “And you die!” It was a sub-par...
    Views 3481
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  • Killbox
    Martinez crouched behind the concrete barrier. The fading evening sun cast the world in an ember glow. Martinez checked the battery life on his...
    Views 3947
  • Just Plain Quirky
    Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled between the hills and valleys, there lived two peculiar individuals named Jasper and Ophelia....
    Views 5508
  • The Bringer Of Magic
    In a world where magic swirled through the air like a symphony of colors, I was the anomaly—a mere human born into a realm brimming with...
    Views 5300
  • Make It Count
    My alarm goes off at the same time it does every morning, seven. I snake my arm out from beneath the warmth of my blankets to turn it off and...
    Views 5524
  • Finding Simon
    When I used to picture my future, it always looked the same. I was older, wrinkled, and sitting on the porch with my husband. We would hold hands...
    Views 5415
  • Train To Nowhere
    I guess this is it.  I run my hand along the side of the train, my fingers grazing the names roughly carved into the side. It’s tradition, I...
    Views 5290
  • Unlikely Friends
    Beatrice had effectively ditched her slippers miles ago. Strategically too, of course. Buried them in deep mud, so the bloodhounds couldn't track...
    Views 5301
  • Not Just Artifacts
    The desert surrounding the Nile is no place for the lighthearted. Let alone the majestic Valley of the Kings. Neither are what they seem on the...
    Views 5238
  • The Initiation Game
    It was, at first glance, a simple task. Some would say it ranged between child's play and a teenage boy's dare. Something that could be easily...
    Views 5471
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  • Not So Abandoned After All
    Not So Abandoned After All Greenfield mall was the crown jewel of the little town. A population of just under ten thousand, and they all used that...
    Views 5442
  • Arrows In The Night
    “You can’t be serious!” She looked at him with what she knew was pathetic desperation - but it was the last trick she had up her sleeve. The...
    Views 5214
  • A Hero No More
    It's funny, I’ve hidden from folks before but never like this. Never in the back of a preschool janitor's closet in my pajamas - because police...
    Views 5208
  • The Adventures Of Super Hero Man
    We begin our journey on Earth in a time of great hardship and turmoil. The U.S. has gone completely broke because Americans have elected a...
    Views 5534