


Reading and writing are my passion. I've loved them since I was little, and always thought of it as the most amazing way to have an adventure while you're sitting in one spot. I dream of traveling the world and experiencing my life to the fullest.

Stories This Author Has Contributed To

  • How Things Change
    Everything is new.  I’m sitting at a mahogany desk that I bought for studying and schoolwork, although I usually just end up sitting on the...
    Views 11584
  • That One Time Everything I Touched Came To Life
    Have you ever woken up and thought you were still dreaming for a few minutes? Like the first few minutes of being awake, your brain is kind of...
    Views 11349
  • If It Calls Your Name... Don't Answer.
    I’ve seen it everywhere, people posting on the internet about creatures in the mountains… It always seemed so silly, “If you hear your name,...
    Views 11680
  • The Mercenary
    Being hunted is probably my least favorite part of this job. Bark scrapes against the back of my exposed arms as I nestle myself against the tree...
    Views 11478
  • Wrong Choice
    It’s Daya’s smile that haunts me most in this moment. My best friend’s radiance and joy existing only as a memory as I stand in this living...
    Views 11911
  • Stroke Of Fate
    My hands were warmed by the mug of freshly brewed tea I held in my hands as I gazed out the window. It was dreary inside, but the world outside my...
    Views 11234
  • Couples Retreat
    As Jane packed her suitcase, she wasn’t just thinking about how this trip was supposed to be a breath of fresh air for her and Mason, she was...
    Views 11128
  • Make It Count
    My alarm goes off at the same time it does every morning, seven. I snake my arm out from beneath the warmth of my blankets to turn it off and...
    Views 11694
  • Smiling Is Contagious
    Sitting at the dining room table, it’s taking every inch of willpower I have not to bounce my leg. It’s a nervous habit I’ve never been able...
    Views 11145
  • Shiver
               Saying that it’s freezing would be an understatement. There was a rumble, and the next thing we know, we’re being swept up in...
    Views 11587
  • The Letters
    The air feels thick, and my head is swimming as I look at the letter in front of me. It’s in the same crude envelope as the ones from each time...
    Views 11471
  • Stuck With Jimmy
    “Jimmy, seriously? You’re breathing right in my face.” “What do you want me to do, Claire? Not breathe?” It’s been ten minutes of us...
    Views 11271
  • Underneath Utopia
    “There isn’t a way to tell this story to you gently. There is no sugar-coating something so bitter. Like with any berry flavored vodka, it...
    Views 11331
  • The Experiment
    “Is that the island?” I have to shout over the sound of the helicopter, and only receive a nod from the study observer that’s accompanying...
    Views 11143
  • Reaper's Redemption
    “You’ve got another soul to reap. A week from today.” The file is tossed onto the coffee table I’m sitting at, but before I can look up to...
    Views 11130
  • Troubles Of Death
    I half haphazardly flip my hand through the air to turn the pages of the book before me. This book is just one of many, but it is how I decide who...
    Views 11101
  • Paradise
    My entire body is groaning in pain before I even open my eyes. My ears are ringing, but I can just barely hear the sounds of birds cawing as they...
    Views 11481
  • The Hungry
    You won't believe my story… our story. As I’m writing this I know I should have more to leave behind, I should have a videotape or some sort...
    Views 11297