• House Call
    I’ll never forget that night.  I was still paired with Bob Simmons, a veteran of the force by twenty years. The chief told me he’d seen it...
    Views 3563
  • Ms. Hannah's Lullaby
    At first, I thought Ms. Hannah to be a godsend. Amidst the chaos of raising two children, her videos became an invaluable part of our parenting....
    Views 3454
  • The Taking Tree
    When I finished moving into the apartment on sixth street, my landlord gave me one piece of advice: don’t park under the large walnut tree at...
    Views 3815
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  • Bipedal
    I remember the day I saw it. I was watching my parent’s dog Annie. She was a medium-sized golden retriever who was, like most golden retrievers,...
    Views 3614
  • No More F$#@!Ng Vampires
    The rumors about Professor G.W. Stephens were as weird as they were eclectic. Some said that he had murdered his first wife and buried her in the...
    Views 3732
  • The Rattle Of Teeth
    I’ll never forget what I found walking through the woods on that crisp spring evening. There was a moderate chill in the air that night. The...
    Views 3627
  • Killbox
    Martinez crouched behind the concrete barrier. The fading evening sun cast the world in an ember glow. Martinez checked the battery life on his...
    Views 3876
  • Guru Steve's Path To Enlightened Relationships
    Mike’s rusty, 2004 Honda Civic was a piece of shit.  With over 150,000 miles, it was a miracle that it still ran. In fact, Mike was convinced...
    Views 4069
  • The Spider
    It must be a dream, Dave thought. That was the only logical, rational explanation.  But it wasn't. As Dave stepped onto the wobbly, cheap wooden...
    Views 3887
  • The Delicatessen
    17-Across was wrong. It had to be. 12-down was nine letters for “head of a tribe” - obviously “CHIEFTAIN” - and Max had correctly...
    Views 4012
  • There's No Shrapnel In Heaven
    Raymond Mankowitz lay dying in his bed. At 95 years old, he had been sequestered in his room for nearly a week as hospice care gently guided his...
    Views 4208
  • Meme'd
    I got meme’d on a Tuesday. I don’t know why, but I previously thought virality was exclusively a weekend phenomenon. So imagine my surprise...
    Views 4773
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  • A Copywritten Hero
    "This looks like a nuisance lawsuit. Plus, it's copyright infringement. That's far from what we do," said the old lawyer. "Wait," said the young...
    Views 5146
  • The Braincase
    Emma was engrossed in reading the latest book by horror author Sara Siu. These books were romance novels with a dash of true crime and only a thin...
    Views 5372
  • The Cobra Of Oneida County
    Dennis Kozlowski fancied himself to be the most interesting man in Oneida County. His family’s parcel sat amongst a group of dairy farmers on a...
    Views 5459
  • Welcome To Aftermath
    Mosley heard about the world's end on the radio while driving home. It surprised her but didn't upset her, not at first. She walked into the...
    Views 5362