• The Wolf Inside
                 Matty is sleeping to peacefully next to me, his snoring almost comforting, and I envy how quickly he disappears into the realm...
    Views 6799
  • The Letters
    The air feels thick, and my head is swimming as I look at the letter in front of me. It’s in the same crude envelope as the ones from each time...
    Views 6848
  • Determined Detective
    It’s a motel for me tonight, again. The front desk guy has gotten familiar with seeing me and doesn’t even really ask for my license anymore,...
    Views 7042
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  • The Affair
    I didn’t realize how red our bedroom wall is. Looking at it now, I would love to paint it a deeper red, something that really catches the eye....
    Views 6824
  • Through The Window
    I remember that night like it was yesterday, the night you broke in through my window. I wasn’t boring but it’s not like I lead a very...
    Views 6773
  • Stuck With Jimmy
    “Jimmy, seriously? You’re breathing right in my face.” “What do you want me to do, Claire? Not breathe?” It’s been ten minutes of us...
    Views 6656
  • Underneath Utopia
    “There isn’t a way to tell this story to you gently. There is no sugar-coating something so bitter. Like with any berry flavored vodka, it...
    Views 6791
  • The Experiment
    “Is that the island?” I have to shout over the sound of the helicopter, and only receive a nod from the study observer that’s accompanying...
    Views 6650
  • Artificial Intelligence
    I’ve lost it. I’ve lost it all. Everything I worked so hard for, everything I dreamed of, everything I was promised. It’s all gone. My...
    Views 6799
  • Dear Diary
    Monday, Jan. 16th, 2010 Dear Diary, It’s me, Hannah. Kidding. I know you’re familiar with me, I just like that joke. Today was not the best of...
    Views 6604
  • Siren Song
    There was a time when Sirens were revered by all those who had heard of them. We were a group that was not to be taken lightly, with sailor’s...
    Views 6717
  • The Corruption In Power
    It’s been two years since the war started. The war isn’t with other countries, it’s within this country. Or at least it was back when this...
    Views 7003
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  • Cryptid Abyss
    “Sebastian, how’re we doing on descent?” When I glance over, his red hair just barely peaks out from his beanie and his eyes are locked on...
    Views 6986
  • Dream Walker
    It’s been three nights since I drank the tea. Three days without real sleep. Three days wondering if I’m going crazy. Three days of hiding my...
    Views 6556
  • Icarus Rising
    My eyes don’t want to open, but with every wince I can see the sand of a dessert surrounding me. The ache of my bones and twinge of my muscles...
    Views 6698
  • Reaper's Redemption
    “You’ve got another soul to reap. A week from today.” The file is tossed onto the coffee table I’m sitting at, but before I can look up to...
    Views 6513