Into The Universe

The drive was longer than anticipated, but thank goodness the freeways were wide open at two in the morning.

Alexa peered over at her passenger seat, nervously gripping the wheel. Her eyes strained in the dark at the small brown paper bag. Street lights flashing by. No movement, The bag sat horrifyingly still and dead silent. She breathed a short sigh and turned back to the road. Her exit was coming up. Well, sort of. She would have a way to walk but she was not about to jeopardize the mission for closer parking.

The click of her blinker steadied her racing mind as she pulled off the freeway and pulled left at the light. She killed the engine in the Walmart parking lot. Surveyed her surroundings. Once she was satisfied with the number of people - or lack thereof - she got out. Slipped around the car and gingerly lifted the knapsack into her hands. The creature stirred, not in fear or panic but curiosity. Alexa smiled warmly, fondly wiggling her finger. A small coo sounded from within the bag, little legs gripping her hand.

“If your good ill let you come out,” She ventured, peering inside the dark hole. “We’ve got a long walk.”

Another gentle sound of agreement. She reached her hand in there, delicately scooping up her scaly friend. He was cool to the touch but radiating warmth in the air as he came out into the night. Wings unfurling in a gratifying stretch.

Dimitri was what she called him. Her little dragon. No bigger than a bearded dragon, but twice as fierce. Snowy white and electrifying grey spiked scales cascaded like a beautiful mosaic around his whole body. He was sleek and muscular like a reptilian sports car. Amber eyes that had the slightest glow. A tiny snout filled with razor blade-like fangs. He balanced on Alexa’s forearm with expertise. Head on a flacon-like swivel to survey the parking lot.

They set off through the dark and very empty street. Dimitri the Dragon just calmly nestled in the pocket of Alexa's hoodie. Little tail swinging out. Alexa kept a hand snuggled in there with him. She would miss him. But the games were about to begin, and she needed to get him hidden before it was too late.

That was the goal. As heartbreaking as it was, she knew her responsibility to those involved.

Finally, she saw it. The great glowing sign of the gates up ahead. The silhouettes of great buildings and studios and rides.

She went to Universal Studio once as a kid. Maybe eight years ago - but she remembered it so vividly. And the minute she got Dimitri she knew that's where he belonged. She would not follow suit of those who came before her and stick him in a cave or remote island. She wouldn't lock him in her home or simply set him free and pray. No. She wouldn't let her little dragon get hunted and killed. She would hide him in plain sight. Somewhere no one would even remotely consider it because of the stupidity. She would admit, it was a bold move. If Dimitri so much as raised one person's suspicion it would all be over.

But some part of her, some part of her knew she could trust the little guy.

Slipping the gate was easy up through the lot and around the ticket counters. Cameras would be no issue either. Which Alexa couldn't explain but was grateful for.

By the time Alexa was inside the park, safely nestled in the entryway to some Mummy ride, she had pulled Dimitri out. He sniffed the air and glanced around nonchalantly.

“Alright. Choices.” Alexa pulled from her pocket a thin piece of paper scribbled with ideas. He could be a novelty thinker pretty much anywhere in the wizarding world. He could have free reign in the props display at the film studios, he could -

The little dragon leaped onto the ground with a small plop and raced away before Alexa could even flinch. She threw the paper, hollering as she bolted after him. It was the most noise she had made all night and suddenly she felt as though the police would materialize out of thin air.

She paused. Heard a flutter of wings and took a hard right. Dashed through the rope lines and waiting areas. She couldn't see him. Airborne or running.

Finally, a little chirp of smoke caught her attention.

Glaring, she stopped dead in her tracks to stare at quite an odd sight.

Without realizing it she had chased her little dragon into the Jurrasic Park ride. She stared at him now, perched like a bird on the clout of a velociraptor animatronics. Alexa, dumbfounded at first, couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Panic Melting away, she could have sworn the dragon was smiling right back at her.

Now that fateful night... that was almost nine years ago. Nine years ago a teenage girl broke into a theme park and stashed her dragon thinking it was brilliant. Well... time passed faster than it usually did. Before she knew it she was twenty-nine. Visiting to check in on her friend. Praying he was staying out of trouble.

Only, she didn't give her dragon enough credit. Not even in the slightest. He had a mind of his own, as brilliant as a human if not more.

She did not find him acting like animatronics in Jurrasic Park. No.

She found, nine years later, Dimitri staring down at her. Wings unfurled, masterfully acting like the most realistic animatronic ever. Staring down at her from the top of Gringots Bank. Hundreds of tourists snapping photos. Watching his head swivel back and forth.

Remarkably, he caught sight of Alexa. She beamed.

He winked. And let loose a brilliant little puff of flame.

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