The Diarrhea Factory

Louis was a young lad walking home from school on a cool, crisp, fall afternoon. While walking he caught a wiff of something foul. He looked around, but didn't see anything. Following his nose the odor got stronger, and stronger, and stronger, then he saw it.

In front of him was a large building with smoke stacks and plumes of brown smoke pouring from them. The stank was almost unberable so he opened the doors to the fatcory and went inside to escape the smelly exhaust. 

Louis was greeted by workers hauling large vats of what looked like diarrhea. He couldn't believe it. Louis had found the legendary Diarrhea Factory! The workers paused with a fright not expecting any visitors. They stared. Cautiously. Then Louis shouted, "Is this the place of legends? Is this... is this the Diarrhea Factory?" The room was silent. Everyone was staring at Louis and Louis at them. Then it happened.

"We're going to go to the place that everyone knows..." "What? Louis thought. "We're going to go to the place we all want to be!" "What's happening!", yelled Louis. "It's the place that everyone loves. It's the place for you and me! It's the place we'e going to go! It's the place for poop and pee! It's the Diarrhea Factory, coming at ya, tee hee hee!"

Louis could not believe his ears. He had, in fact, stumbled upon the Diarrhea Factory. And not only that, the workers were performing a musical number.

Employees were kicking their legs, twirling, singing, and jumping up and down, all while dressed in brown outfits, kind of like UPS drivers. The factory itself was filled with clear pipes that had a brown liquid flowing through them, diarrhea for sure. Despite the nature of their work it was obvious that the crew enjoyed their labor, after all it was very important. This is the place where all the world's diarrhea is made!

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