Mr. Smiglarison Pizza Shop

Mr. Smiglarison owns and operates a pizza shop in town on the corner of 8th avenue and Talock. It's a unique shop that sells unique pizza because, well, Mr. Smiglarison isn't from earth, he's an alien. Being an alien living among humans can be tough, trying to sell alien pizza to humans can be even tougher. To this end, the pizza business isn't doing so hot.

One day Mr. Smiglarison was sitting behind the counter, bored, resting one of his two heads on a claw shaped hand. Wondering if he made a mistake moving to earth and opening a pizza shop. "I don't want to be here anymore," he thought. "Why did I do this? This is going to ruin my life." Just then, a guy walks into the shop. He was wearing a fedora hat, expensive suite, and black glasses. Mrs. Smiglarison recognized him immediately, he was the local mafia crime boss, Angelo.

"I’d like to buy a whole pie." “Ok”, said Mr. Smiglarison, “Coming right up!” Mr. Smiglarison went into the back to make the pizza. He crushed up cockroaches to make the flour, squeezed a red pasty goo from some weird fuzzy animal, and topped it all off with special vegetables from his home planet. He made the pizza, put it into the oven, then delivered it to the crime boss.

"Wow!" said the crime boss. "That was so good. You’ve got yourself a deal for 70 pies a day. But… there’s a catch. You’s also gots to let me and my boys use your spot as a hangout." Unsure of what to do, Mr. Smiglarison paused to think. “A mob gang hanging out here? If I don’t what will happen? I’ll go under and lose everything I’ve worked for.”

"So what do you say? Is that a deal?" "Deal," nodded Mr. Smiglarison."Good!" agreed Angelo. He didn’t have time to think of the consequences when the door was kicked open and in came all of Angelo’s gang. They were dressed in black, wearing strange hats and flashing their weapons.

“You know, this joint will make a great spot mob family shindig.” “Shindid?”, Mr. Smiglarison asked reluctantly. “Yeahs, it’s the big event I throw every year for all the local mob bosses. Kind of like a, how you’s say it, put aside our differences type thing.”

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