The Adventures Of Super Hero Man

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Continued

When The dust settled and people throughout the store came out from cover to see what happened. The tractor trailer had broken though the front wall. Bricks scattered all over, dust and dirt covering everything, groceries and products spread everywhere. The driver of the truck smashed up against the front windshield, it was cracked and he motionless. Some of the patrons crept slowly toward the scene, including Mark. "Look!" someone shouted! The tank on the rig had been pierced by something and a bright orange fluid was seeping out giving off steam and a strange stinky odor. Mark moved closer to the liquid, for some reason he was a little too curious about it.

Quickly everyone's attention turned as motorcycle engines geared up. The bikers, in true a-hole biker fashion, drove into the store! They flew up and down the isles intimidating everyone, breaking things and firing their weapons into the ceiling.

Mark looked up and saw one biker rushing toward him causing Mark to loose his balance, fall, and land right into the orange gooey mess pouring from the truck. "Ah! Freak!" Mark screamed. "This stuff is freezing!" Mark got up as fast as he could to get himself out of the orange puddle. "Dude! What the heck is this stuff?! It's like, as cold as liquid nitrogen!" Just then another biker came roaring by then WHAM! Knocked Mark out cold with his club.

"... fudge-berries... dude... my head... what's going on?" Mark opened his eyes, everything was blurry and really quite. "... man... what did I do?... ehhh..." Then mark shook his head trying to snap out of it. As his vision came into focus he could see people all around staring right at him. "Umm, hello? What's going on? I don't know how I got here? HELLO!!" Then someone pointed at the floor indicating Mark should look at something. Mark turned his eyes downward and saw he was floating.

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