Turkey Death Row

A Thanksgiving Story

I came to the next afternoon in the coupe of my good friend Joe and his wife Sara. "You're wake", said Joe. Then he fetched me some water and seed.  "Felicia!" I yelled. "J-Joe, my kids!" "I know Bob", then he walked over to the window with his head hung low.

"Bob something is happening, something bad. Several turkeys have gone missing. Horrible cries have been heard all over the yard. We're not sure if it's a fox or something else coming in and killing our friends, but one things for sure... we don't know how to stop it."

I looked at Joe with the kind of look you give someone who just told you some really heavy stuff. My jaw was wide open, I took a swallowing breath and then for a moment there was silence. Joe turned around and looked at me and said "while you were unconscious Sara went over to your place to get the kids and saw they were gone, that's how I know about them..."

Then Sara came down the ramp, ran over to me and gave me a huge hug. "Bob I don't know what to say. I." Just then we all turned our heads toward the door. We heard the strangest loud crackling sound. It sounded like, like the laughter of a lunatic.

"What was that!?" Joe shouted as he ran to the door. "Bob! Come here!" I ran over. "Stand here and help me hold the door closed, whatever that is we don't want it getting in!" The insane laughter grew louder and the sound of footsteps was drawing near. There was also a clanking noise like the sharpening of metal. Joe and I looked at each other in fear we knew it had to be the killer.

The laughter stopped at the entrance of Joe's coupe. My heart was pounding, my mind a blur, my breathing was rapid, fear over took me, the silence was more frightening than death itself.

Then there was a huge push on the door but Joe and I countered it. "Dig your feet in Bob!" screamed Joe. "The killer's here!"

"Let me in you damn turkeys!"

WHAT!? Who... who was THAT?! That voice it sounded familiar.

Then there was another huge push but this time it knocked Joe down. I looked over at him and saw his eyes grow wide, then one last big push sent me hurdling backward.

As the door flung open there he was, THE KILLER! Slowly my eyes glanced up at the killer's face and just when I thought all of my world was already upside down I saw who the killer was... master. Our master was the killer! My beloved and faithful master was slaughtering us all! There he stood carrying an axe dripping wet with the blood of his last kill.

Running on shear instinct I sped past master and made it outside untouched, Joe... he wasn't so lucky. Master reached in and grabbed Joe by the neck. He ripped him out of his coupe much like had been done to my Felicia. Joe was flailing around trying to escape screaming for help... but I was froze in place.

Eventually Joe shook lose and fell to the ground, this just made master mad "damn you turkey! I'll just kill you right here!" master shouted! Then master swung back his axe, paused and lunged toward Joe. I glanced at Joe with my eyes wide open and he at me, then the axe came down and... Joe was gone.

Joe's headless body bounced around aimlessly as the life slowly drained from it, I could not believe what I was seeing... it was an indescribable evil. After that ended master picked him up, looked at me and pointed with his axe "Your next bub! He he ha ha ha!" Then he walked toward the old barn.

I ran. I ran with no direction or purpose I just knew I needed to get outta there. Up ahead I saw a small shed at the end of the yard, the door was open and I ran in. In faint light I frantically looked for a place to hide, then in a corner I saw a small crate covered in rags just big enough for me to fit under... so I hid.

For 3 days now I've been in this crate. I'm tired, thirsty and need food. All around me I hear the cries of turkeys being slaughtered. What has happened to master?! Has he gone mad?! What is the purpose of this endless massacre!?!

I need to get out of this crate and leave the farm. Somehow I have to get out of here with my life! Please whoever should read this... tell my story so that the world will know of the horrible things that happened here!

"I sure hope someone sees this" I thought as I placed the pages I wrote on the ground. "I love you Felicia..."

Cautiously I poke my head out from under the rags covering the crate. There is bright moonlight coming in through the shed door... a bit dangerous to leave under these conditions but if I stay I will surely die. Slowly I walk toward the door away from the safety of the crate. Looking out I can see the coast is clear, oddly all is calm.

One step... two... not too fast now Bob. I can see the gate about 300 feet away. If I make it there I'll be free. Throughout the yard I can see blood everywhere... can't think about it... stay focused.

"There you are turkey! He he he he ha ha ha!!!"

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