He Knows Me

Just To Be Close To You

The other two were completely different but yet the same in so many ways. It really didn't matter though, considering I got what I wanted from the both of them and I was determined to do the same thing with Jonathan, the new love of my life. I pictured him tossing around the football with our son on early Saturday mornings and days after school after he'd finished his homework just before dinner. Ah, and dinner, with my man and our two sweetheart kids whose birthdays were just a year apart. Our family would be a wholesome whole hearted family that did everything together.

The blade touched his skin, breaking ash that jaggedly fit the serated blade to perfection. He stopped from the feeling of the cold steel bringing him to his senses. Was he being smart? Or was he afraid? With his face away from mine I couldn't tell. I didn't want to frighten him but I didn't want him to be in love with his significant other, more. And he mumble her name, "Maddie." so soft that I had to strain my ears just to hear the voice that made me want him so much. It sure didn't sound like a fallen picked-up orange or a sticky locks warning. It sounded like a man who was about to cry. 

I deliberately pressed the serated blade deeper. I couldn't stand his whimper for the person I knew he didn't love. Couldn't love because I was there. The woman who always met him in the hallway. The woman who knew he'd leave his wonderful Maddie to be with someone in a house and not a complex. Maddie was all wrong for him and he knew it otherwise he would not have rushed to the abandoned house so quickly. My eyes opened wide at the sight of blood trickling down. He winched at the tearing of his skin. "Maddie." He whimpered once more to the door that kept him away from her.

"Turn around. Look at me." I commanded. Shocked by the depth of my own voice. "Try something funny and you'll be in the same condition as my other two. Now move. Slowly."

The blade smeared blood as he calmly complied. Now with the blade at his throat, I could feel the power of dominance flood my body. I dug the serated into his neck, scraping his Adams apple. He swallowed as if he'd just taken a huge sip of a very good beverage. His big brown eyes were blood shot with tears. "I just want what's on the other side of this door." He said. His face darker than I'd ever seen it. "I know, Jonathan." I said, holding him against the door by the throat. The sounds that came from the other side had ceased. No one hollered his name nor did anyone beat frantically on the door as if they would be magically released by force and screams.

"But it's me that you love." I said. His eyes widened at hearing what I had to say. "No," Jonathan started. I firmly pressed the blade into his throat, not caring if I was cutting off his air. "Choose your words wisely boyfriend. I'll make a husband out of you yet." I said, standing on my tippy toes to meet his frightened gaze. "I don't wanna hurt you, Jonathan but I swear I will kill Maddie just to be close to you."

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